Artistas / Mauricio Muñoz A
Mauricio Muñoz A

Mauricio Muñoz A


Pintura Dibujo
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“Any image we perceive is a window to existence. The process of painting is always connected to one’s own mind, either is a chaotic or peaceful one. This applies to both the artist and the viewer. It is only in the mind of the viewer where a spark of divinity intended by the artist can take place. The painting is just the message; it can be meaningful or meaningless. It is up to the human being to decide which one to choose. That is why humanity plays a big role in my art. To be able to feel the spark we need to silent our minds and let colors and shapes surprise us. This way we can enjoy these like young children do. It is the responsibility of the artist what to offer to that child. Being given this responsibility I would not know what to do but paint even if this is my last day alive. Art in this way can be the most important thing in the universe or the least important. It is up to the human being not to let distractions take away its attention from what is really important. “ Mauricio Muñoz Arbeláez
Diseñador Industrial, Músico, Artista Plastico, Surfista, Skater.




Colaboración Artistica con el Antagonist Art Movement de NY.
Exposición Artistica en la Galería Flacso en Quito Ecuador
Exposición Artistica en la Galería Glarmester Indramnig en Copenhague Dinamarca.

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